Lose Weight with this 9 Moves
A question we get at befit4helath quite often is how do women get rid of their muffin top? Diet is a most important factor. It’s time to put...
These moves target your core and get your heart rate up to help burn those dreaded calorie bugs!
1. The Roll: Lie down on pilates mat. Raise your leg straight up in the air. Now drop legs without touching the floor. Bend them from knees and bring up straight up again. Do this exercise for 30 secs.
2. Windmills Exercise: Keep your legs up straight after doing first exercise. Bring them down on your side as much as possible without touching the floor. Bring the legs up and do same move on other side. Do this exercise for 30 secs.
3. Starfish Crunch Exercise: Keep laying down. Spread your legs out touching the floor and keep your arm straight on shoulder level touching the floor. Now take your one leg up and opposite arm, bring them together as much as possible. Do same with other leg and opposite arm. Do this move for 30 secs.
4. Mountain Climbers Exercise: Lie on your front on pilates mat. Lift your body up balancing on your palms and toes. Now bend the knee and bring your knee up to your chest. Do with other leg too. Do this move for 30 secs.
5. Russian Twists Exercise: Sit on the pilates mat folding your legs from knees without touching the floor. Keep your hands together. Now do russian twists. Move your arms side by side keeping your eyes on your hands.
6. Spidermen Planks: Lie on your front on pilates mat. Lift your body up balancing on your palms and toes. Bend your knee and take your bend leg up in the air. Stay in this position for 30 secs. Do same with other leg and stay for 30 secs on this position.
7. Single Leg Drops Exercise: Lie down straight on pilates mat. Lift the legs up straight. Now drop one leg without touching the floor. Bring it up in straight up position. Now drop another leg.
8. Double Leg Circle Exercise: Lie down straight on pilates mat. Keep your hands under your bum and lift the legs up straight. Drop the legs down Now take circles from right to left for 30 secs. Then take circles from left to right for 30 secs.
9. Flutter Kicks Exercise: Lie down on pilates mat. Keep your legs up. Bend them from knees. Now start moving your legs like you are kicking or swimming. Do this move for 60 secs (whole one minute).